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Training Last Updated
Capital Assets Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Financial Reporting Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
KFS Basics Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Title Category Code Descriptionsort descending
Budget - Exempt - Other Professional Expense 5290 Budget use only: Salary for exempt personnel. Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate %
Budget - Academic- Summer Salary Expense 5080 Budget use only: Salary for summer program faculty for benefits-eligible employees (retirement benefits accrue). Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate %
Budget - Veterinary Assistantship Expense 5522 Budjet Use Only. Used to plan salary for Vet Assistantships.
Cash Offset Asset 1000 Cash offset entries are generated for most transactions, thereby balancing the account (debits equal credits), independent of any other account. Use: Most of the entries you create will automatically generate a cash offset entry. These are automatic.
Interdept - Food & Beverage Catering Expense 6630 Catering services provided by Cornell departments. (Cornell Catering). Use: Cornell Catering
NO - Gifts Cash Income 3255 CENTRAL USE ONLY (AA&D) Non-operating Donors' gifts of cash.
Compensation - Taxable, Retirement Expense 5430 Central use only -- not directly used for payroll expense.
Salary Wage Adjustment- Professor Expense 5472 Central use only -- not directly used for payroll expense.
Salary Wage Adjustment Expense 5470 Central use only -- not directly used for payroll expense.
Non Operating - Gains Withdrawal Income 3210 CENTRAL USE ONLY, Gain/Loss on withdrawals from LTIP
NO - Realized Gains on Invest Income 3205 CENTRAL USE ONLY, Non Oper Realized Gains on Investments
NO - Revenue Other Income 3200 CENTRAL USE ONLY, Non Oper Revenue - Other
Non Operating-Unrealized Gains on Invest Income 3206 CENTRAL USE ONLY, Non Oper Unrealized Gains on Investments
NO - Invest Inc Int & Div Income 3260 CENTRAL USE ONLY, Non Operating Interest Income, Dividends on Investments and Student Loan Activity
NO - Terminated SIA Income 3252 CENTRAL USE ONLY, Split interest agreement terminations and Outside Trust terminations (net).
NO - LTIP Payout Income 3275 CENTRAL USE ONLY,Non Oper monthly income distributed to funds that are part of the LTIP
Participant Support - Other Expense 9099 Certain other costs, borne by the participant to enable an individual's participation in a formal university conference or training project as defined in 2 CFR 200.75. Costs paid by the participant may include training materials or laboratory supplies. Example REU, MARC, RET programs. Excluded from MTDC.
Interdept CIT - Tele Move Add Change Expense 6115 CIT charge for voice and data changes. Use: CIT only
Alumni Class Dues Income 4345 Class Dues received via AA&D gift feed. USE LIMITED TO AA&D.
