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Training Last Updated
Capital Assets Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Financial Reporting Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
KFS Basics Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Title Categorysort descending Code Description
Interdept - Utilities -Exempt Electrical Expense 6879 Interdepartmental expense for electricity. Excluded from MTDC. Use limited to CLASSE or with approval by DFS.
Services - Laundry Expense 6690 Expenditures for uniform and linen cleaning. Use: Lab coats, linen, uniforms, etc.
Fees - Vehicle Expense 6150 Expenditures for registration fees of vehicles. Use: Registration Fees for University owned vehicles. (Fleet, CIT, Dining, Facilities, department)
FIN AID-Tuition - Non-Degree Expense 8460 Payment of tuition for CU non-degree students. Normally paid via the Student Financial System. Excludes payments for degree students. Use: non-degree tuition.
Capital Acq - Buildings Expense 3710 Used when acquiring or recording the completion of buildings that exceed the capital threshold. Will generate capitalization entries on asset object code. Will result in a capital asset record in CAM.
Interdept - EZ Back UP Expense 6601 EZ backup charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT.
Cost of Benefits - Admin Expense 5906 Used for vendor expenses related to the administration of various employee benefit programs. DFS/HR use only.
Capitalized Interest Expense Expense 6923 The Interest added to the cost of a self-constructed, long-term asset. The interest on debt used to finance the asset's construction Use: Plant Accounting only
Maintenance Planned - Facilities Expense 6455 Non-capitalized planned maintenance is any maintenance work that can be planned or anticipated and maintains the value of the facility. Use: External providers of planned maintenance services for campus facilities.
Graduate Teaching Res Specialist (GTRS) Expense 5525 Salary for Graduate Teaching Research Specialist positions only (job profile code 11221). Zero fringe rate
Budget - Overtime - Minimum Benefits Expense 5365 Budget use only. Paid overtime for all non-exempt non-student employees. Min fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate %
Interdept - Recruitment - Employee Expense 6342 Interdepartmental (from other Cornell units) expenses incurred during the interview process for potential employees. Use: Employee recruitment- C2C Travel, Hosted Meals, Statler Hotel, on campus parking.
BM-PM / CM Assessment Expense Expense 9454 IPP allocation of Preventive / Corrective Maintenance Assessment Model expense. This object code must net with 4954. IPP use only.
Academic - Res/Ext Assoc/Scientist Expense 5100 Salary for academic research and extension staff. Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate %
Academic - Extension Assoc Expense 5105 Salary for instruction staff for NYS Cooperative Extension programs (job profile codes 11154, 11155). Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate %
Interdept - Utilities - Potable Water Expense 6880 Interdepartmental expense for potable water Use: Potable Water provided by Cornell generating dept.
Services - Safety Expense 6700 Expenditures for external safety services such as Ithaca police, Ithaca fire department, etc. Use: Safety services provided for traffic control
Library On-Line Annual Subscription Expense 6155 Expenditures for on-line, cataloged, library materials for which access expires within one year if not renewed (non-capital). Use limited to university libraries.
FIN AID-Fees - Mandatory Non-Degree Expense 8461 Payment of mandatory fees for CU non-degree students. Normally paid via the Student Financial System. Excludes payments for degree students. Use: non-degree mandatory fees.
Capital Acq - Gov't Owned Bldg Expense 3715 Used when acquiring or recording the completion of buildings that exceed the capital threshold in which ownership vests with an entity other than Cornell. Will not generate capitalization entries. Will result in a capital asset record in CAM.
