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Training Last Updated
Capital Assets Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Financial Reporting Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
KFS Basics Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Title Categorysort descending Code Description
Indirect Cost - Gifts - Expense Expense 9080 Facilities and administrative costs associated with restricted gifts. Charge typically occurs systematically based on a percentage (Indirect Cost Rate) of expenditures. Also referred to as Indirect Costs or F&A. DFS use only.
Transfer out - DFS ONLY- To GNDEPT Expense 8085 DFS USE ONLY. Transfer between PLGIFT and GNDEPT accounts that have different restriction classifications, TR and UR only. Must be used with 7085.
Budget-Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) Expense 5540 Budget Use Only. Salary for Graduate Research Assistant positions only (job profile code 10419). Zero fringe rate.
Travel, Foreign, Student,Mission-related Expense 6762 Expenditures for foreign travel that the university considers to be travel outside the fifty states, its possessions, or its territories. Use: For class trip or mission related educational travel of students, normally paid through the travel reimbursement process. All fees associated with a trip should be charged to the travel object code. Not for Business-related travel, nor student travel grants. See policy 3.2 for further details.
Non Capital Retainage Expense Expense 6070 Amount withheld from vendor payment until job is completed. Use: Amount withheld from vendor payment until job is completed.
Transfer Out - University Space Fee Expense 8087 Used to record the University Space Fee from Colleges/Units. Must be used with 7087.
Salary Accrual Expense 5380 Used only for end of fiscal year salary and wage accruals (typically, the amount of BiWeekly payroll earned in the last few days of the closing fiscal year, but to be paid out in the coming fiscal year.) Zero fringe rate.
Services-Spons Subs over $25K Expense 6650 Expenditures for work contracted for research or development only. This code is excluded from the calculation of MTDC indirect costs. The first $25,000 paid on a subcontract is recorded with object code 6660. Use: For use in grants and contracts accounts only. Sub contract agreement through OSP is needed.
Supplies - Food Service Paper Goods Expense 6570 Expenditures for Paper Goods for food service operations. Use: This code should only be used by departments providing food service.
Capital Acq - Improvements Non Bldg Expense 3720 Used when acquiring or recording the completion of improvements that exceed the capital threshold. Will generate capitalization entries on asset object code. Will result in a capital asset record in CAM.
Capital Acq - Leasehold Improvements Expense 3725 Used when acquiring or recording the completion of leasehold improvements that exceed the capital threshold. Will generate capitalization entries on asset object code. Will result in a capital asset record in CAM.
Cost Share - RCMT Expense 9951 Cost Share object code for ACXP level. System use only.
Federal Unallowable - Miscellaneous Expense 6430 Expenditures for all purposes not defined above, that are classified as nonrecoverable according to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200). Use: All other unallowable expenses
SUNY Spec - Equip L/T Threshold Expense 6940 Expenditures, for items of movable equipment other than computers, software, vehicles, and furniture, that are under $500 yet required to be classified as equipment to qualify for state equipment funds. Use this code rather than 502X. Use: SUNY only
Amortization - Capital Lease/Rent Expense 6280 Used to recognize the equity for the asset in the Net Investment in Plant fund as capital lease payments are made. Use: Use limited to the Division of Financial Affairs
Subsistence-Post-Doctoral Fellowship Expense 9090 Non-compensatory payments to support postdoctoral fellows (individuals who have previously received their doctoral degree). These individuals are not CU employees. These awards are made for the purpose of research or study in the receipient's field of expertise, and are often government funded (e.g. NRSA awards). Postdoctoral fellows must hold an unpaid appointment in the HR system, with award provided through DV process. Use: postdoctoral fellowship awards.
Cost Share - INRS Expense 9939 Cost Share object code for INRS level. System use only.
Budget - Research Assistant, Grad (RA) Expense 5545 Budget Use Only. Salary for Research Assistant positions only (job profile code 10819). Zero fringe rate
Interdept - Travel - Fleet Garage Expense 6770 Expenditures associated with the use of a vehicle from Fleet Operations. Use: Fleet garage, Campus to Campus
Communication - Postage Expense 6100 Expenditures to the Unites States Postal Service for postage. This does not include shipping charges paid on an invoice or bill, which must be recorded as part of the cost of the item(s) purchased. Use: Stamps, metered postage, etc. NOTE: Postage is not normally directly charged to sponsored awards.
