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Training Last Updated
Capital Assets Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Financial Reporting Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
KFS Basics Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Title Category Code Descriptionsort ascending
Fund Balance Object code Fund Balance 3190 This object code represents the fund balance carried forward from a prior year to the current year. The prior year is calculated as: last year beginning fund balance, plus last year income, less last year expenses.
External Organization Activities Liability 2005 This object code is used to represent external orgs (EO) funds held by Cornell. These funds are not owned or controlled by Cornell. Use: Student organizations, tax exempt orgs with 501 (c)(3) status. i.e. enhance the student learning experience or promote research activities at Cornell.
Interdepart - Deferred Revenues Liability 2280 This interdepartmental code represents advance payments or unearned revenue from another department or division at Cornell. Must be used with another interdepartmental code as the other side of the transaction. Use: Use should be limited as Cornell should not owe itself money. Revenue received for an event occurring in the following fiscal year.
Capitalized Interest Expense Expense 6923 The Interest added to the cost of a self-constructed, long-term asset. The interest on debt used to finance the asset's construction Use: Plant Accounting only
Interdept - Cost of Sales Expense 6015 The cost of merchandise sold to Cornell University customers from inventory. Use: When using this code in a designated operating account there must be sales revenue corresponding to the cost of sales.
Cost of Sales - Other Expense 6010 The cost of merchandise sold from other inventory. Use: When using this code in a designated operating account there must be sales revenue corresponding to the cost of sales.
Cost of Sales - Food Expense 6000 The cost of merchandise sold from food inventory. Use: When using this code in a designated operating account there must be sales revenue corresponding to the cost of sales.
Cost of Sales - Beverage Alcohol Expense 6005 The cost of merchandise sold from alcoholic beverage inventory. Use: When using this code in a designated operating account there must be sales revenue corresponding to the cost of sales.
Telecommunication - Usage Expense 6120 Telephone/data, teleconferencing related usage. (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, PGI) Use: External vendors
Telecommunication - Equipment Expense 6110 Telephone/data related equipment. Fire alarms equipment, bluelights and 911 trunks. Use: External vendors
Interdept CIT - Telephone Equipment Expense 6116 Telephone/data related equipment from CIT. Use: CIT only
Interdept CIT - Telecom Recurring Expense 6126 Telephone related monthly service charge from CIT. Use: CIT only
Capital Asset Adjustment Expense 3760 SYSTEM USE ONLY. Used when previously retired asset records are reintroduced to CAM.
Capital Acq - Equip Found Expense 3670 SYSTEM USE ONLY. Used when previously retired asset records are reintroduced to CAM.
Tfer from - Year End Closing Income 3059 SYSTEM USE ONLY. Used by KFS for account reversions during year end processes.
Loss on the Disposition of Assets Expense 6395 SYSTEM USE ONLY. Represents the undepreciated value of retired capital assets
Encumbrance Offset Fund Balance 3110 System generated fund balance offset created when an encumbrance transaction is processed.
Interdept - CIT Storage Farm Expense 6602 Storage Farm charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT.
Startup Investment Expense Expense 6975 Start up expenses for Cornell Tech
Cash Drawer Asset 1101 Specific amount of cash used to make change in retail operations. (register drawer or vault) Use: Reconciliation of cash drawers should be done every day the drawer is used and periodically if the drawer is not used regularly
