KFS Help Request Form

Click Request Service button to the right for support on any of the following issues:

  • Accounts Payable (PREQ, Credit Memo, Payment Issues, etc.)
  • Capital Assets (Asset docs, depreciation, etc.)
  • Chart of Accounts (Object codes, attributes, etc.)
  • Contracts & Grants (IDC, Cost Share, CG accounts, etc.)
  • Delete Sensitive Attachment
  • eSHOP (catalogs, punchout issues, etc.)
  • Financial Processing (All FP docs, DV Vendor issues)
  • Financials Dashboards (Display issue, functionality question, access to dashboard, Answers, etc.)
  • Other (Encumbrances and other items not listed here)
  • Payroll (Labor, Salary transfer and encumbrances, etc.)
  • Purchasing (REQ, PO, PO Vendor, iWant, etc.)
  • Vendor
  • Workflow (Routing & Delegations,etc.)
Request Service


Service ID: 234
Thu 4/2/20 2:32 PM
Wed 2/22/23 1:58 PM